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How to use this manual

All repair instructions in this manual assume some form of mechanical ability, and all directions given are based on the drivers’ seat of the car. Left, Right, Front, Back, Forwards, Backwards are all given in relation to sitting in the drivers’ seat.

Installation instructions are not given if installation is the exact reverse of removal. If there is any deviation from exact reverse procedure, these steps are given under the heading of Installation. Information is not repeated between the removal and installation sections of any given procedure.

Any hardware sizes given in tightening torque information are different to hardware sizes given during repair procedures. If a bolt is referred to as 10mm during repair procedures, it requires a 10mm socket or wrench for removal. If a bolt is referred to as 10mm in any reference to torque specifications, this means that the thread of the bolt has a diameter of 10mm. Such a bolt could require a 17mm wrench. Be aware of the difference!

Many torque specifications refer to grade 8.8 or 10.9. This is the hardening specification of a bolt and can be found embossed on the head of the bolt.  The higher the number, the stronger the bolt.

Navigation throughout the manual is achieved via the navigation bars on the top and bottom of each page, or by hyperlinks within text. The layout is identical to many web sites you may find on the Internet.  Using the navigation bars will allow you to change pages on the same level. E.g. If you are viewing the Group 23, Manual Transmission Index, and press the Next button, you will go to the Group 24 Automatic Transmission page, as all indexes are on the same level of the navigation structure.  You may also select Index, which will take you back to the main group index page and Up, which will take you to the parent level, e.g. If you are viewing a particular repair procedure, Up will take you to the index for that group.

Images with a border are hyperlinked to a larger version of the image. Simply click on the image to see the larger version, and then use your browser’s back button to return to where you were.


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E30 M3 Repair Manual V2.7.  Copyright ©1999-2001 Koala Motorsport & Brett Anderson